“Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest” is a compelling documentary that recounts the remarkable journey of Pasang Lhamu Sherpa, who made history by becoming the first Nepali woman to summit Mt. Everest on April 22, 1993, at 2:15. The film, crafted by writer Sharon Wood and directed by Nancy Svendsen, skillfully weaves together the inspiring, courageous, and tragic narrative of Pasang’s life.
The documentary will play at Cinema Village in Greenwich Village from January 19th to 25th and later at the New Plaza Cinema on the Upper West Side from January 27th to 28th, providing a profound exploration of Pasang’s life. It sheds light on her various life stages, from defying societal norms in a conservative Nepali family to eloping at 17, facing familial disapproval for her marriage, navigating motherhood, learning English, and actively participating in her husband’s business. The documentary delves into her evolving interests, love for climbing mountains, and her initial mountain climbing experiences in France, notably Mt. Blane.
Pasang’s unwavering determination and resilience shine through the film, particularly during her attempts to conquer Mt. Everest. Despite facing repeated failures, she persisted and decided to make her fourth attempt in 1993, leading the Nepal-India Joint Expedition. On April 22, 1993, at 2:15, Pasang Lhamu Sherpa achieved her dream of standing on the summit of Mt. Everest, marking a historic moment for Nepali women. Tragically, she lost her life on the descent. She was the first Sherpa whose body was successfully retrieved from Mount Everest.
Pasang’s life serves as a poignant example of resilience, determination, and the breaking of gender barriers. She became a symbol of Nepali women’s capabilities and strength, representing the epitome of courage on multiple levels. The documentary captures the essence of her relentless pursuit and underscores the importance of pursuing one’s dreams with dedication, even in the face of numerous challenges and setbacks.
“Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest” skillfully chronicles Pasang Lhamu Sherpa’s extraordinary journey against the backdrop of her nation’s quest for democracy and the evolution of the commercial climbing industry. Through interviews with those who knew her, renowned alpinists, and Pasang herself, the film vividly portrays how her historic quest captivated her country and instilled a renewed belief in possibilities for a new generation.